Saturday, February 7, 2009

New word....New catch phrase, please!

Our culture seems to thrive on taking a word and
then pounding it in the ground. The current word that has
been over done to death is amazing. Can we please have
our next word. Please. Amazing has become the buzz word of all buzz
words. If we're forced to used a descriptive phrase, you may
be assured that the A word will be lurking nearby. Margo has
just lost 42 pounds on the Gagfast diet. Her gal pals will
tell her that she looks amazing. If the kids have just finished
Dr.Wacko's latest behavior modification program, the change
is simply amazing. 38 miles per gallon on the old fliver, well
you get the idea.

While I'm carping, I'd like to talk about the phrase:
"-not a problem." This seems to be filling a space formerly
reserved for actual manners. I remember when someone
performed some small service for someone, you would thank them.
Then, they would say"-your welcome."
What's wrong with simply being gracious? Are we past that, now?